Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 2009 to You!

I always love the transition from one year to the next. True, there isn’t a huge leap from the last day of 2008 to the first day of 2009, but for many it will represent a fresh start. The New Year offers an opportunity to leave bad decisions behind and resolve to work harder at being the person you want to be. One thing I know I can always improve upon is spending more quiet time with the Lord, praying and studying the Scriptures. This year I gave everyone at the studio a morning devotional book that was introduced to me by my daughter Erin. It is called Morning by Morning and it is by a wonderful author, Charles Spurgeon. If you are looking for a jumpstart in your spiritual life, I highly recommend reading any of his work. Be renewed this year and enjoy celebrating the countdown to 2009 with those you love. God bless!

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